[SISC-devel] [ sisc-Bugs-2426937 ] define-java-classes inside module leaks out
2008-12-14 11:34:13 UTC
Bugs item #2426937, was opened at 2008-12-14 11:34
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Norman Gray (normang)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: define-java-classes inside module leaks out

Initial Comment:
A definition of a symbol inside a module appears to be disrupting definitions of the same symbol elsewhere.

Consider the following:

%% cat MyWriter.java
public class MyWriter {
public void write(java.io.OutputStream w, int x) {
public void write(java.io.Writer w, int x) {
%% javac MyWriter.java
%% cat s2j-module.scm
(import s2j)

(module s2j-module
;<com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.model> ; where the problem originally appeared
(define (s2j-test)
%% cat test-s2j-module.scm
(require-library 's2j-module)
(import s2j-module)

(format #t "test-s2j-module~%")
%% cat test-write.scm
(import s2j)

(define system-out
((generic-java-field-accessor 'out) (java-null (java-class '|java.lang.System|))))
(define-java-classes <java.io.output-stream-writer>)
(define-generic-java-methods write flush)
(let ((writer (java-new <java.io.output-stream-writer> system-out)))
(write writer (->jstring "Wibble\n"))
(flush writer))
%% sisc
SISC (1.16.6)
#;> (load "test-write.scm")
#;> ^D
%% sisc
SISC (1.16.6)
#;> (load "test-s2j-module.scm")
#;> (load "test-write.scm")
Error in load: evaluation error at file:/checkouts/agast/repositories/qadi/code/qadi/src/test/scm/reduction/test-write.scm:7:1
To enable more detailed stack tracing, set the dynamic parameter max-stack-trace-depth to a non-zero value, e.g. 16.
Some stack trace entries may have been suppressed. To see all entries set the dynamic parameter suppressed-stack-trace-source-kinds to '().
) in generic procedure #0=#<procedure write>
file:/checkouts/agast/repositories/qadi/code/qadi/src/test/scm/reduction/test-write.scm:8:3: <indeterminate call>
#;> ^D

The s2j-module.scm file declares a module s2j-module, and defines a Java class, namely MyWriter; this class has a number of write(...) methods (it appears to require more than one method to be present).

The test-s2j-module.scm file simply imports this s2j-module module.

test-write.scm writes a string to System.out using the Writer.write(String) method. Run by itself, test-write.scm works. When run after test-s2j-module.scm, however, the same call to Writer.write(String) fails. I can't see why that would be happening.


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