Alessandro Colomba
17 years ago
Scott has kindly agreed to let me turn the next SISC release into a
Maven project, and I have begun working on that.
Among the benefits, SISC should become more accessible to users'
projects, especially as it gains dependencies on third-party libraries
(e.g. asm-commons.)
Another benefit will come to SISCweb users, such that getting a basic
SISCweb project up and running may be accomplished through a Maven
archetype with just a couple of commands.
For those interested in a preview or in providing feedback, I am
making a snapshot of my current work temporarily available at:
Currently SISC and its HTML manual build correctly. (I am using the
generated JARs without trouble from my mavenized SISCweb.) This
snapshot is made against v1.16.6, even though the final work will
apply to v1.17.
My MAVEN-TODO lists the following outstanding items:
- generate lite heap (plan to build full-heap on top of lite)
- boot ant target (not sure what this is)
- classopt ant target (idem)
- tests (should work, not tried)
- cleaner Quantity selection (copy template to and compile from
generated-source folder)
- SLIB (should be placed in src/main/resources)
- SRFI-22 install package
- manpage
- copy css file to HTML manual location
- generate distributables (tar, zip, etc.)
- javadocs
- PDF generation of SSS manual
- site generation?
- SCM connection (wrong url?)
- setup repository or join Maven
- pushing distributables to sourceforge?
Again, feedback is more than welcome.
Scott has kindly agreed to let me turn the next SISC release into a
Maven project, and I have begun working on that.
Among the benefits, SISC should become more accessible to users'
projects, especially as it gains dependencies on third-party libraries
(e.g. asm-commons.)
Another benefit will come to SISCweb users, such that getting a basic
SISCweb project up and running may be accomplished through a Maven
archetype with just a couple of commands.
For those interested in a preview or in providing feedback, I am
making a snapshot of my current work temporarily available at:
Currently SISC and its HTML manual build correctly. (I am using the
generated JARs without trouble from my mavenized SISCweb.) This
snapshot is made against v1.16.6, even though the final work will
apply to v1.17.
My MAVEN-TODO lists the following outstanding items:
- generate lite heap (plan to build full-heap on top of lite)
- boot ant target (not sure what this is)
- classopt ant target (idem)
- tests (should work, not tried)
- cleaner Quantity selection (copy template to and compile from
generated-source folder)
- SLIB (should be placed in src/main/resources)
- SRFI-22 install package
- manpage
- copy css file to HTML manual location
- generate distributables (tar, zip, etc.)
- javadocs
- PDF generation of SSS manual
- site generation?
- SCM connection (wrong url?)
- setup repository or join Maven
- pushing distributables to sourceforge?
Again, feedback is more than welcome.